Dr. Rainer Wieland

Lawyer & Notary
Specialist in tax law
Specialist in tenancy, condominium and real estate law
Specialist in industrial property protection

Attorney & Notary Dr. Rainer Wieland is a member of the working groups Tax Law (www.steuerrecht.org), AGEM Working Group Intellectual Property & Media in the DAV (www.agem-dav.de) and Tenancy Law and Real Estate (www.mietrecht.net) in the German Bar Association, member of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Statutory Assembly at the German Federal Bar Association (www.brak.de) as well as member of the committee “Specialized Attorney for Intellectual Property” of the Bar Association Frankfurt am Main (www.rechtsanwaltskammer-ffm.de), since 2019 member of the board of the Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt (www.notarkammer-ffm.de).


  • Year of birth: 1968
  • Studies from 1989 to 1993 in Würzburg
  • 1st state examination: 1993 in Würzburg
  • Legal clerkship in Bamberg
  • 2nd state examination: 1995 in Munich
  • Doctorate: 1995 with dissertation on the subject of “Accounting records as the subject of seizure in the case of tax advisors
  • Admission to the bar: 1995
  • Specialized attorney for tax law since 2001
  • Specialized attorney for intellectual property law since 2007
  • Appointment as notary in 2011
  • Specialist attorney for tenancy and residential property law since 2013

Areas of specialization:

Since joining the firm in 1995, Dr. Wieland’s practice has focused on civil law, particularly landlord and tenant law and real estate law. Dr. Wieland also advises and represents landlords and tenants in court who have questions with their commercial property or their apartment. It is particularly important to him that together the goal is achieved as quickly and economically as possible. This often helps more than years of litigation. In the interest of his clients, Dr. Wieland also uses his extensive litigation experience to implement rules in the lease or rental agreement during contract negotiations that will avoid conflicts later on. He already advises many of his clients during contract negotiations in which he participates or which he accompanies in the background. His clients include larger landlords of commercial properties, doctors, pharmacists, architects, medium-sized companies, innkeepers and private landlords.

In addition, attorney & notary Dr. Rainer Wieland is also active in civil law. Here he mainly deals with questions of purchase (land, houses, apartments, automobiles and other motor vehicles) and contracts for work and services, doctors’ fees, billing and disputes arising with energy supply companies, and advises on situations involving insolvency. In the field of inheritance law, he represents his clients in inheritance certificate proceedings, in inheritance disputes, and in questions concerning legacies and claims to compulsory portions.

The spectrum of his legal work in tenancy, condominium and real estate law includes:

Dr. Wieland advises with foresight on the drafting of suitable tenancy or lease agreements and declarations of partition of a condominium community, but also on ambiguities that arise during a tenancy agreement: Defects, repair, cosmetic repairs, energetic renovation, modernization, duty to operate in shopping centers, manner of use, subtenants, rent increase, index clauses, termination, security deposit, surety, damages, landlord’s lien, written form of the lease agreement.

Dr. Wieland participates in negotiations in order to resolve disputes safely and quickly.
Sometimes a lawsuit cannot be avoided: Then he vigorously represents his client’s rights before local, state and higher regional courts throughout Germany, without neglecting the objective and the economic background. This annoys some opponents because he is committed to the cause. Many a lawsuit has already produced good solutions, which can also include settlements.

Tax law is another focus of his legal work:

  • Dr. Wieland advises and represents clients in appeals and lawsuits before tax offices and tax courts.
  • He advises clients on the submission of voluntary declarations.
  • He supports his clients in tax optimization for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary inheritance tax or gift tax.
  • Together with renowned professional liability insurers, Dr. Wieland defends against liability claims asserted against tax consultants and auditors.

Another focus of his work as a lawyer lies in the field of industrial property protection:

  • Dr. Wieland advises and represents clients in planned advertising campaigns.
  • He advises clients on warnings for unauthorized advertising and represents them before the courts
  • He assists his clients in the registration of trademarks and distinctive signs representing their companies.

The focus of his notarial work is on real estate law, commercial and corporate law and the law of succession. Here, Dr. Wieland is particularly available for consultation and notarizations:

In real estate law

  • Purchase and transfer of land and apartments
  • Real estate financing such as land charge and mortgage
  • Settlement agreements between shareholders
  • Declarations of partition of condominiums
  • Property development contracts
  • Leasehold contracts

In company law

  • Formation of companies
  • Amendments to articles of association including capital increases and decreases
  • General meetings
  • Company agreements
  • Commercial register applications

In inheritance law

  • Care and living wills
  • Lasting powers of attorney
  • Wills and inheritance contracts
  • (Inheritance) settlement agreements among co-heirs
  • Adoptions

In the case of complex mandates, Dr. Wieland regularly works together with experienced tax advisors and experts and, if required, also arranges the corresponding contacts.


  • Rechtshängigkeit im Strafverfahren, JuS 1993, 984
  • Unerlaubtes Entfernen vom Unfallort auf Privatgrundstück, in: Freiheit und Verantwortung in schwieriger Zeit: Kritische Studien aus vorwiegend straf(-prozess)
  • rechtlicher Sicht zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Ellen Schlüchter, 1998, 111
  • Einsendungen von Gerichtsentscheidungen:
    • LG Darmstadt, Urteil vom 29.06.2000 – 13 O 15/99, NJW-RR 2001, 1015 (Honorar zwischen Erbensucher und ermitteltem Erben)
    • OLG Frankfurt am Main, Urteil vom 20.02.2001 – 22 U 222/00, NJOZ 2002, 829 (Geschäftsmäßige Zahnweißung ist keine Zahnheilkunde)
    • LG Darmstadt, Urteil vom 02.10.2001 – 14 O 214/01, NJOZ 2002, 979 (Geschäftsmäßige Zahnweißung ist keine Zahnheilkunde)
    • LG Darmstadt, Urteil vom 11.06.2002 – 10 O 26/02, NJOZ 2004, 951 (Kann der Nacherben Auskunft über den Bestand einer Erbschaft verlangen?)
    • LG Berlin, Urteil vom 11.10.2002 – 20 O 511/02, NJW-RR 2003, 765 (Kann die Gegenseite Äußerungen des gegnerischen Anwalts generell untersagen lassen?)
    • OLG Frankfurt am Main, Urteil vom 15.01.2004 – 3 U 127/03, NJW-RR 2004, 969 (Haftpflicht des Hundehalters, Tierhalterhaftpflichtversicherung)
    • OLG Frankfurt am Main, Beschluss vom 13.05.2006 – 12 W 9/06, NJOZ 2006, 2850 (Kann ein gerichtlich bestellter Sachverständiger bei unbrauchbaren Gutachten Entschädigung verlangen?)
    • OLG Frankfurt am Main, Urteil vom 29.08.2007 – 5 UF 101/06, FamRZ 2008, 83 (Vollstreckungsgegenklage zulässig, wenn Ehegatte geltend macht, titulierte Nutzungsentschädigung für Räumungsfrist sei erloschen; im Hausratsverfahren kann Eigentümer keinen Schadenersatz geltend machen, soweit der andere Ehegatte die Wohnung unrechtmäßig besitzt)
    • LG Darmstadt, Urteil vom 08.01.2008 – 16 O 164/07, GRUR-RR 2008, 375 (Der vom späteren Kläger abgemahnte Beklagte muss dem Kläger mitteilen, dass er wegen desselben Gegenstandes inzwischen eine strafbewehrte Unterlassungserklärung abgegeben hat: Die Kosten des Verfahrens hat dann der Beklagte zu tragen).

Areas of expertise