Dr. Henrik Jacoby

Lawyer & Notary
Specialist in administrative law
Specialist in building and architectural law

Attorney at law & notary Dr. Henrik Jacoby is

  • Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Volksbank Darmstadt Mainz eG

He was

  • until 2019, a member of the Board of Directors of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association and of its Committee for Fee Matters,
  • until 2022, Chairman of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau.


  • Year of birth: 1966
  • Studies: 1989-1993 in Frankfurt am Main
  • 1st state examination: 1993
  • Legal clerkship: 1993-1997 in Darmstadt with elective station in the first chamber of the local administrative court (among others civil service law)
  • 1994/1995 Research assistant at the Chair of Public Law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main with doctorate in 1995
  • 1996 Supplementary studies at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
  • 2nd state examination: 1997
  • Admission to the bar: 1997
  • Partner in the law firm Dr. Rodenhäuser, Lehr, Gutting & Dr. Jacoby (until 2022)
  • Specialized attorney for administrative law since 2000
  • Specialist attorney for building and architectural law since 2008
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Volksbank Modau eG (until 2019)
  • Appointment as notary public: 2011
  • Chairman of the Disciplinary Chamber of the EKHN (until 2022)
  • Member of the supervisory board of Volksbank Darmstadt-Südhessen eG (currently deputy chairman)
  • Partner of our firm since 2023

Main areas of expertise:

Since his admission to the bar, Dr. Jacoby has been predominantly active in administrative law and construction and architectural law.

From the beginning of his legal practice, he has consistently implemented the focus he set during his legal training and his doctorate in administrative law. As a lawyer, he is active in all areas of this field of law. The focus of his work here is on public building law (building regulations and building planning law), public service law, pharmacy law and church law (EKD). He regularly advises and represents clients in ecclesiastical law matters concerning the law of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD).

Dr. Jacoby represents and advises both public and private clients in administrative, pharmacy and church law matters.

His further focus on construction and architectural law took place immediately after his admission to the bar and resulted in his being awarded the title of “specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law” as one of the first lawyers in Darmstadt after the creation of this specialist lawyer title.

He advises and represents public and private clients in all areas of construction and architectural law, including in particular

  • in the drafting of construction contracts, property developer contracts, general contractor contracts, general contractor contracts, project developer contracts, project control contracts and architect contracts;
  • on all issues arising for clients or contractors during the execution of construction projects;
  • in the enforcement of or defense against all claims under construction or architectural law, such as claims for remuneration under contracts
  • for work and services or claims for architects’ fees,
  • in the enforcement of or defense against claims for damages under construction or architectural law.

In addition, Dr. Jacoby is also active in other areas of civil law, in particular

  • in advising on the drafting or reviewing of real estate purchase agreements, pharmacy purchase agreements or other contracts.

As a notary, Dr. Jacoby is active in the entire range of notarial competence, i.e. in particular in the following areas of law:

  • Real estate law (e.g. real estate purchase agreements, developer agreements, transfer agreements; land charges, (real estate) agreements with a public law impact, such as urban development agreements or implementation agreements)
  • Corporate law (e.g. formation and conversion of companies; drafting and amendment of articles of association; sale of companies or shares in companies; structuring of company succession; notarization of shareholders’ meetings and shareholders’ resolutions of all kinds; applications to the commercial register and other registers)
  • Inheritance law (e.g. wills, inheritance contracts, waiver of compulsory portions)
  • Powers of attorney (e.g. general and precautionary powers of attorney, living wills)

For Dr. Jacoby it is a matter of course to apply his profound knowledge of administrative law, in particular in all areas of public building law, also within the scope of his notarial consulting and notarization activities in a profitable way for the parties involved in the deed, e.g. in the drafting of project development contracts or other real estate contracts in which preliminary questions of administrative law have to be included in the drafting of the contract in a precise and legally secure way.

Areas of expertise